2013: One of the best years of my life

Looking across moments and photo's from this year brings tears to my eyes because it has been the most amazing year of my life. I have accomplished so many things, seen so many places, made the most amazing friends who I would call my sisters - heck, most of them are actually my sisters in Christ. This was the first year I taught my first fitness class as a group aerobics instructor, I was so scared and to be honest I still get nervous up there teaching.

Then, on our way to Houston, the kids and I were blessed to see my beautiful Cousin Maycie walk down the isle and get married to her soulmate in Dallas. Afterwards, I headed to Houston to meet up with some old friends and even made some new friends before my trip to Vegas for business.

I accomplished my first official 5k and 10k and I completed the Savannah River Bridge Run. Go me!!! I couldn't have done the first two without the support of my awesome husband. He babysat me the whole way during the first 5 and 10k. I even cried during the 10k. Yep, I sure did. Haha
The hubby even suprised me with a trip to a Beachbody Super Saturday event in Miami with Carl Daikeler where I got to do the new P90x3 workout with lots of cool people, sipped on some mojito's on Deerfield Beach and got to spend some time with Jasons Aunt Laurie, who is so cool BTW!
Then, my baby girl, Payton, had her sweet sixteen birthday party in November. Wow how time flies. She wanted to dress up and go out for dinner with friends, so we rolled out the red carpet - literally. She is such a beautiful young lady and I am very proud of her.
And last but not least, we were blessed to take our kids on a cruise for a week! Jamaica was my favorite and of coarse I had to have my girls do a flex pose with me. Haha! We had an amazing time together; met some new friends and ate way too much food ;)
I have grown so much as a leader and have finally found something that I love to do and what feels like I was meant to do. I am in the best shape of my life and I feel like this was the first year where I directed my life instead of letting life just happen and direct me. I have read like a stack of books! Which is crazy because I have never really been a reader, but then, I am also not a runner, but this girl well, I guess she is a runner. The one who was always a follower; She is a leader and she is an athlete. The next year scares and excites me because I know it will be filled with so much joy and sure there will be struggles, but I now there are good things ahead. I see travel with the kids and my wonderful husband, crazy business meetings, dinner dates and fun with new friends in the new year. I see lives changing for the better. People getting healthier, children seeing their families future change. As I say goodbye to 2013, I look forward to the next year and what's in store for my family, my life and my Team. I know God has big plans and I am so happy to be a part of it! :D