Giant Eagle
- 6 Grands Biscuits 3* .30/2 printable's
- Pie Filling (just because)
- Mento's Gum .55/1 coupon
- Butter @ 1.67
- Bananas
- Mitchem Deoderant .75/1 coupon
OOP $6.48
-bloom is doing a buy more save more promo, so you get .25 back for each bloom brand purchased
- Ketchup *2
- 3 Cans Tomatoes
- 4 pkg cheese 1.67 each
- ice cream sandwiches
- hamburger buns $2.50
- whip topping
- light mayo
OOP $10.76 (I do not understand the math on this one. The coupon printed was for more than it should have been. I tried to tell the cashier, but he basically told me thats just how it works)
Bloom Trip 2
- shredded cheese $1.67
- 8 bloom cat food cans @ .30 each (.05 after you get the .25 back)
- bloom 24pk water $2.99
- 3 Gold Fish BOGO - used $1/1 home mailer
- Popcorn BOGO - used $1/1 from all you mag
- 2 lbs pears .99lb
OOP $5.72
Giant Food
- 2 Lenders Bagels @ .75 each
- 2 Ortega Taco Sauce - used $1/2 store coupon with $1/2 man coupon
- 4 pepsi throwbacks - Free after .50 tearpad coupons
OOP $2.80
Giant Eagle and Giant Food Trip 2
- 9 Marcal Paper Towels, 4 Tissue (free just paid tax)
- 20 Reach Toothbrushes 2 pk @ .99 each(Free after coupon) most are for donations
OOP $3.27