I am Team Beachbody!

Little did I know that 5 years ago my world was completely about to change. At that time I…
Wanted to die.
I Was so lonely.
I was depressed but hid it from the world behind a smile.
I felt lost being at home after getting my degree and finding myself stuck in the mom role.
I lost my identity and became my husbands social security number with the military.
I felt like I had no worth.
I despised the life I was living.
I was angry and resented having to move and give up a job I loved because of the military.
I had been hurt by so many girls growing up and just wanted a place where I fit in and was accepted.
I had a dream and a vision in my heart to be in women’s ministry.
I was terrified to speak in front of people, so I had no idea how this would happen.
I was spending 10 hours a week working out at they gym just to have community and I would feel empty when I went home.
I dreamed of owning my own business and being an important business woman.
I wanted to contribute financially to take the burden off my husband’s shoulders and also so I felt worthy.
My self-worth was nonexistent.
What I didn’t know was through this 5 year journey I would…
Find a place where I finally fit in and feel loved.
Find my identity and self-worth not in what I do but who I am.
Meet the most amazing supportive encouraging women I have ever known.
Love and appreciate my family!!!
Build a full-time income that has changed our lives and allowed us to do so much more than we ever thought was possible!
Be almost DEBT FREE!
TRAVEL so many places and make so many memories!
Grow in so many areas and believe in myself again.
Be thankful for my life and be more intentional with the important people in my life.
Set goals and achieve them! I have hope now.
Feel strong and healthy.
Be empowering women to change their lives from the outside IN!
And the most important part of it all is it gave me LIFE.
As I write this I am in tears because its so hard to put it into words. Some may roll their eyes and not believe in what we stand for, but I know there are women out there just like me who are crying in the closet just praying for an answer. Praying for a purpose and a passion to make a difference and to feel like they matter. This did that for me and I have seen it duplicate and help other women achieve so much more than just weight loss. We have heart. We have determination. We are changing the world. WE ARE TEAM BEACHBODY!

April 2017 Spring 10 Day Shakeology Jump Start Fitness and Nutrition Online Group

10 Day Nutrition Jump Start Challenge 

In this group, we focus on clean eating and teach you how to properly fuel your body and increase your metabolism in order to lose weight the right way by providing the tools, support and accountability you need. You will get a meal plan, 10 packets of Shakeology, my support and peer support from other like minded ladies who are working on their own health and fitness goals just like you! We will also help you set goals, lean how to meal prep and plan for success. And give you clean eating tips and tricks to navigate upcoming bbq's, birthday parties and more.

Our goal is to get you moving in the right direction - closer to looking great, to feeling confident in your skin  and more importantly, living a healthier lifestyle, so you can enjoy your life more. 

Testimonies from clients:
  • "I want to thank you for all your help. You have truly been a blessing and an inspiration to me in this short time. This 10 day challenge has changed my life and shown me that change is possible." - Nicole; Chicago, IL
  • "I lost 6 pounds and 5.5 total inches! Ahhhhh! So pumped for the next challenge!"
  • "I lost 4 pounds and 7 inches. Still a long way to go, but a decent start. Plus my blood sugar numbers as a whole have really improved."
  • "I just want to say thank you to everyone...I lost 8 lbs. and 8 1/2 inches."
  • "I lost 5 pounds!!!!! And I accomplished my goal which was to be active in the morning (mostly) and to be more aware of my food habits. There's no bad food at my house, woohoo!" ~ Janelle
  • "I lost 4 pounds and 3 inches. I would have done much worse if I wouldn't have been in this program. I love to eat and drink my wine, but with Jennifer Wood's help, I'm making better choices!" ~ June
  • "... I HAVE LOST 5 pounds in the last 10 days!!!!!
  • Jennifer Wood I will be forever grateful for you showing me this!" ~ Tiffany
  • "It is fun...people don't understand that they can make an AMAZING transformation. They just needed the right tools. That is what your support groups provide" - Cathleen; Deer Park, TX

What Do you get for $50

  •  An easy to follow MEAL PLAN with options for every meal including snacks (Valued at over $100
  • 10 packets of Shakeology*  
  • SMALL PRIVATE Facebook group for support, accountability and encouragement and daily interaction with a small group of other ladies just like you. 
  • PERSONAL coaching from me
  •  Daily motivational and goal setting posts
  • Videos and documents to help you learn how to meal plan and meal prep.
  •  Shipping is $7 (includes 3 day shipping and insurance)

Order your 10 Day Shakeology Sampler for $50 plus shipping. Message me, or fill out the application as soon as possible as spots are extremely limited for this group.

*Shakeology will be used to replace 1 meal a day for 10 days and will fill in those nutritional gaps, help increase energy, and help reduce cravings. Most clients see a large reduction in bloating, increased digestion, increased energy, and really notice less body fat overall in addition to the weight loss. It has also been clinically proven to help with weight loss, IBS, Colitis, digestive and stomach pain issues, lower cholesterol and help keep blood sugar levels more stabilized throughout the day. 

Follow me on Facebook, or  Email me with questions :) I look forward to working with you!

Strawberry Mint Shakeology Recipe aka Strawberry Mojito

This superfoods smoothie is one of my all time favorites. Mint has great nutritional benefits for your digestion and healing the stomach as well. Its very refreshing and light and will keep you full until your next meal. I've been drinking Shakeology daily for 5 years and it's helped tremendously with stomach pain, constipation issues, energy, and keeps me from getting sick. If you have ever wanted to give it a try, send me a message. I offer a 5 day sampler for $29 (includes shipping) so you can try the different flavors and feel the difference it makes after a few days. 

Strawberry Mint Smoothie Recipe

Half frozen banana
1 cup almond milk
Fresh mint leaves (remove from stem)
Tbsp flax meal (optional)
Packet or scoop of strawberry Shakeology
1 cup ice

Are we friends on Facebook? If not, please click here and follow my page for more healthy recipes, motivation, funny pics and more. 

Dry Brush For Stimulating the Lymphatic System & Reducing Cellulite and Turmeric and Aloe Supplement.

Dry Brush For Stimulating the Lymphatic System & Reducing Cellulite and Turmeric and Aloe Supplement. 

I've been looking for a good dry brush to help with cellulite and for stimulating my lymphatic system after a visit to a holistic doctor suggested it. She also suggested I take a quality aloe to help heal my gut, along with really good probiotics and l-glutamine 5000 at night with a little juice and water. I was on antibiotics for years due to cystic acne which still flairs up but not as badly. I learned antibiotics really do a number on your intestines and I have been having trouble with bloating and cravings and such so I am working on getting my gut healthy. I am not following the plan very well as of yet since she recommended limiting sugar, gluten, dairy, alcohol. Why can't they say limit broccoli. Ha! So, I recently ordered these two items to give them a try and I found some really good information when I was researching and I want to pass the info along in hopes that it helps someone else who is looking for an answer.

The dry brush can be ordered here. And the Soothe aloe and turmeric can be ordered here. Both are on the same site, but the direct link will take you to each product. Of coarse both of these items are much higher quality that what you will find at a local health store. I love that the company offers a 30 day money back guarantee because they want you to be happy and the products work.

Apparently turmeric has MANY benefits and one of them is helping with depression. I am not a medical professional, but I have tried many different things and am a firm believer in the power of plants and herbal remedies. I have pretty much tried every medication out there for my depression and the only thing that has helped me is exercise and some nutritional supplements I take daily. I still have rough times and my anxiety is not completely gone, but the things I am using are helping and I try to pass that info along. I found this article on how turmeric can aid with depression and it said,

"Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Most studies used turmeric extracts that are standardized to include large amounts of curcumin.

Curcumin has shown some promise in treating depression.
In a controlled trial, 60 patients were randomized into three groups (45).
One group took prozac, another group took a gram of curcumin and the third group took both prozac and curcumin.
After 6 weeks, curcumin had led to improvements that were similar to prozac. The group that took both prozac and curcumin fared best.
According to this (small) study, curcumin is as effective as an antidepressant.
Depression is also linked to reduced levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and a shrinking hippocampus, a brain area with a role in learning and memory.
Curcumin boosts BNDF levels, potentially reversing some of these changes (46).
There is also some evidence that curcumin can boost the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine 
Bottom Line: A study in 60 depressed patients showed that curcumin was as effective as prozac in alleviating the symptoms of depression" 
**you can read the rest of the article here

The dry brush can be ordered hereAnd the Soothe aloe and turmeric can be ordered here.

Dry brushing is very beneficial for helping to drain toxins from your lymph nodes (found all over your body). It basically helps stimulate your cells and they begin releasing toxins -- somewhat like a detox. Try doing this several times a week. Michelle Kelthy, A spa director in Naples, recommends dry brushing for 3-5 minutes and this also helps with water retention and cellulite. You should dry brush upwards toward your heart and start at your feet and work your way up. It's better to do in the morning rather than the evening because it can be energizing. The recommend using a little oil on the brush if you already showered, or do it before showering, then apply lotion or oil after your shower.

If you are struggling with health and or fitness please send me an email or a facebook message. I love meeting new people and helping women feel better.