Make me Your Beachbody BODI Coach!

Scenario 1 – FREE Account:

To have me assigned as your FREE Beachbody coach, simply click on the link below and complete the form.

   Yes, I want Jennifer Wood to be my Coach!

That link will redirect you to the Team Beachbody website where you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself and you will be assigned to me and set up a free Team Beachbody account. Make sure to message me.

PLEASE READ: I will be attempting to contact you through email. So many times people sign up for support groups or as my free customer, and I send them multiple emails and they never respond.  Or, I try to contact them through Facebook and they have no idea who I am!  So if you see an email from in your inbox, its ME!  Or, if you get a Facebook friend request from ‘Jennifer Covin Wood’, that’s me!!

Scenario 2 – Change Beachbody Coaches:

If You already have a Beachbody or Bodi account AND DO NOT have a COACH; or, you are not currently working with your Coach; and you would like to switch to me as your free coach, all you need to do is log in to and then click this link Coach Change Form

enter in your information along with...

My name: Jennifer Wood
Coach ID = 151798
Coach Email =
It's Super simple. Make sure to email me or message me on facebook or instagram @jennifercwood if you switch to me, so I can check in with you and help support you. I can also help customers get the best discounts and deals on beachbody workouts and supplements! 

Send me a friend request on Facebook @ Jennifer Covin Wood or Instagram @jennifercwood
Or email me at

I am just a regular mom who lost her identity 10 years ago but I found purpose and passion with this business helping women make time for themselves again! 

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