Looking Back at My Life ~ Crazy How Things Have Changed!

Let me be real and open up a little with you today about my past and how my life used to be....

I was thinking back over the year and then I thought back to about 5-10 years ago when I was a stay at home mom with absolutely no vision and no purpose for my life. I was simply existing and getting through each day. Many days would be spent crying due to my struggle with depression, or just sitting on the coach watching tv and eating junky foods that made me feel even worse. 

I used to love watching Days of Our Lives and some of those famous talk shows, but what kind of life is that? What kind of passion could i possibly have to get up and just watch tv, cook, clean and take care of my 2 girls? I know for many taking care of kids is their passion and they love it, but let's just be honest, for many moms -- we want more -- we want purpose -- we want to provide financially for our family. 

Our life was very simple back then and we were a one income family which meant I used coupons (and for a few years I became the crazy coupon lady you saw on tv - yep! that was me with the binder! Hahaha!) we never ate out, we went on one trip a year if we were lucky and it was usually camping or my mom helped foot the bill because we could not afford it. My mom would help buy the kids clothes and shoes because we were just barely getting by, so this is one of the reasons I long to pay her back someday and spoil her rotten because she has always been so giving to us.

My husband and I would fight often over money and many times we almost divorced because of big purchase decisions that were made without consulting one another. Any added debt would mean we had even less to live on. And we did have debt. At one point it was pretty bad. I am not sure of the amount, but my best guess is it was over 10 k of credit card debt. Not sure how we got to that point, but it felt like this weight that was suffocating and again I felt hopeless. I saw our lives being meek, broke and I felt myself just dying inside because I knew I was made for more. I knew God had planted a seed of entreprenurship in my heart. I wanted so badly to own my own business and had many ideas along the way, but my lack of focus and belief in myself plus lack of funds kept me from ever getting started. I remember crying so many times. Crying out to God on my knees for direction and guidance. For God to show me his purpose for my life. To give me joy and meaning. To give me a job to provide more for my family. In 2007 I finally reentered the workforce and had a full time job and i finally had purpose! I loved my job. I loved my coworkers. It was a really good environment and the job was perfect for me. My biggest issue was balancing my emotions due to the stress of balancing 2 jobs (I would get off at 3 or 4 and my day would start with my 2 young children). I also have a special needs child who exaserbated me daily with her emotional outbursts. We are still not sure, but the diagnosis is leaning towards bipolar with adhd (which breaks my heart because no mother wants this for her child). But, every day was a battle with emotional outbursts, arguments, i mean the kid was 9 and she wanted to move out. It was so draining. So, I wanted so badly to have this carreer, but my kids needed me too and it was a lot for me to handle. I have depression that is triggered by stress, so you can see how this would be a very hard thing to balance. I also have that "want to do it all" mentality and you just cannot do it all. It's impossible and it will stress you out.

After one year of working my husband, who was currently serving in the Army, was transferred to Maryland and I had to give up my job which was heart breaking because I really loved feeling worthy, like I was contributing and like i was no longer what some call a "dependa-potamus".

Those years we were stationed in Maryland were hard for me. Being home and really not having a huge purpose, nor providing extra income for my family. I honestly felt like a complete failure and a loser. Sad. I know.

Fast forward to 2012 when my entire life changed. This is when I said "YES" to becoming a Beachbody Coach. I did not realize it at the time, but I had been praying that God would guide me and provide a part time job so I could have purpose and contribute to my family. This came at the perfect time. My husband was deployed to Afganistan when I started and we were both getting back into fitness and working on living a healthier lifestyle. I dove in about 5 months after I started and I just never looked back really.

Free Beachbody Cruise 2013 ~ SS Beachbody Oasis of The Seas

Owning my own business as a Beachbody Coach was exactly what I needed to help me be more accountable to my own fitness and health goals and provided me with purpose and an income to provide more for my family and myself. I wanted more -- let's just be honest here. Living a life of scraping by is not fun. But it was not an easy road. I have grown and been emotionally stretched like never before. I have cried. I have laughed so much. I have been blessed to travel to so many places for "WORK!" in just 3 years: Palm Springs, Nashville, San Antonio, Austin, Orlando, Miami, DC, Las Vegas, Cancun, Jamaica, the Cayman islands, and Fort Lauderdale. I mean, pinch me for real! How did I get this job?!?

But it is a business. It requires working and investing in growing your skills so you can help lead and mentor others more effectively. It requires sacrifice and showing up even when you don't feel like it. It requires growing in areas where you are weak. It requires learning how to deal with difficult people who hurt you emotionally because they have their own emotional trash. It requires trusting those who have gone before you to guide you. It requires being teachable. It requires having perseverance. It requires believing in yourself or at least pretending to while you grow your belief -- I always said "fake it until you make it" and that is exactly what I did.

On Stage at Coach Summit 2015

My self esteem and belief in myself was not always there and to be honest I am still extremely self conscience about what others think about me. But, I do hold my head up and pretend to be confident even if inside I am afraid of failure. At one time I was even afraid of success. Afraid I would never measure up and be the leader God called me to be, but I realize now that I will never have it all figured out. God will guide me and give me the wisdom I need for the path he has placed in front of me. But, the accomplishments, the consistency, the triumphs I have had with my business have helped me to feel alive and like I am finally fulfilling my life goals! I have always been a quitter until now. I am no longer a quitter and I set goals and I achieve them. This year at our yearly conference in Nashville -- which is amazing BTW -- I was honored to walk across the stage as a 2 Star Diamond Beachbody Coach, which means that our Team is a 2 star team (we have more diamonds on the Team, but that is a whole n'other explanation because I teach my team to build for wealth and not for rank). I would not be here without my Team. They are the reason I am where I am and I love love love them all! They are my fit family and they have been with me through some really tough seasons in my life. I don't know how I would have gotten through those tough times without them. So, another perk with the biz is you will make the most amazing friends ;) and have a place to belong.

Part of Team Push Revolution in Nashville 2015

So, if you are struggling to find purpose in your life and want to earn some extra income, please consider learning more about what we do as Coaches. It has changed my life, my families lives, and many of my friends lives who came on our Team and have now paid off debt, gone on vacations, saved money, and so many more amazing things. I host a sneak peek into coaching once a month, so reach out to me or one of my amazing Teammates for VIP access to this 5 day group to learn more. Contact me via email at jenniferwoodfitness@gmail.com

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes." 
 Statement of Independent Coach Earnings,http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE.

Skinny Cranberry Cherry Cosmo ~ Holiday Drink

Skinny Cosmo Holiday Drink Recipe

Try this tasty alchoholic adult beverage using vodka, lime, orange, and cranberry juice. It's super easy and tastes great.

1/2 cup ice
1 oz vodka
2 tbsp no sugar added cranberry cherry juice (or cranberry)
1 wedge orange (quarter orange, and cut in half)
1 wedge lime (cut in half and half again)
1 tsp sugar or agave syrup

Place everything in a shaker cup and shake to combine and dissolve the sugar. Enjoy!

Come say hello or follow me secretly like a ninja on Facebook @ fb.com/fitwithjen1 

Join my next 30 day online fitness and nutrition group to start 2016 healthy, confident and FIT! Fill out the application here ===>

10 Reasons a Woman Should Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Many women are afraid of lifting weights because they think they will get bulky, but truth be told, you WON'T unless you are using steroids or have a HUGE amount of testosterone. Weight training has many benefits to changing the way your body looks, weight loss due to increased fat burning, bone density as we age, balance and stability, health and so much more. And let's not forget, muscle burns more calories which means you can eat MORE food! I love food and would like to eat more. How about you? After 30 our muscle declines and that means our calorie intake needs to go down or we will gain weight. UNLESS, you do weight training. 
A few reasons why weight training is the BOMB....
1. You will burn more fat 
2. It will change your body shape.
3. Increase your Metabolism
4. You will stand taller and feel more confident!
5. It helps prevent osteoporosis because weight training strengthens your bones too!
6. Helps fight those winter blues and depression due to the endorphins that your brain releases after a workout. 
7. Helps you fight diabetes because the more muscle you have the more efficient your body is at balancing blood sugars and processing glucose. 
Are we friends on Facebook? If not, send me a friend request. 

Hammer And Chisel Workout Available With Free Shipping Or Discounted With Shakeology.

Hammer and Chisel Workout is available now & will be discounted in January 2016.

Beachbody's newest weight training, body sculpting, sexy abs, fat blasting workout by Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev are finally here. If you are ready to take the challenge and sculpt your body

~ Click here to order the base workout program for $89 ~ 

*includes the base workout plus 4 additional workouts, an 8 pound medicine ball, an extra set of portion control containers & a Shakeology Shaker cup. 

For a bundled savings including 30 days of Shakeology and the workout program for $160 in December, 2015 click here.

Contact me with your order # via email at jenniferwoodfitness@gmail.com for free Coaching and support through this program. We have a new test/launch group starting soon. Join our very first Hammer and Chisel Fitness and Nutrition Accountability group.

What's included in the workout program/kit? see below

How does the base kit differ from the deluxe Hammer and Chisel kit? see below.

What equipment is needed for Hammer and Chisel? see below

Is there a money back guarantee? Yes, there is a 60 day money back guarantee.

The Master's Hammer and ChiselBase Kit Deluxe Kit                              
60-day Money Back Guarantee   Yes  Yes 
14 WORKOUTS (6 DVD's) RUN TIME       
Safety Video3:17YesYes
Chisel Balance41:05YesYes
Iso Strength Chisel36:39YesYes
Chisel Endurance36:55YesYes
Chisel Cardio39:00YesYes
Chisel Agility38:29YesYes
Total Body Chisel36:04YesYes
Hammer Plyometrics26:29YesYes
Iso Speed Hammer24:11YesYes
Total Body Hammer43:48YesYes
Max Hammer Strength36:53YesYes
Hammer Power39:10YesYes
Hammer Conditioning30:42YesYes
10 Min Ab Chisel10:56YesYes
10 Min Ab Hammer12:29YesYes
The Master's Cardio17:38YesYes
Hammer Build Up32:59NoYes
Power Chisel30:16NoYes
15 Min Leg Hammer18:41NoYes
15 Min Glute Chisel17:53NoYes
7 Color-Coded Portion-Control ContainersYesYes (2 sets included)
Shakeology Shaker Cup (25 oz.)YesYes
8-lb Medicine BallNoYes

24/7 Online SupportYesYes
60-Day CalendarYesYes
Quick Start GuideYesYes
Program and Nutrition GuideYesYes
There are no items that are free to keep with purchase.
The products in the kit do not contain natural rubber latex that may cause severe allergic reactions.

Lavender DIY Laundry Soap

I am seriously turning into a tree hugging hippie! Hahaha. No, seriously, I love to try new things like this and I have made laundry soap before but this was way easier. It took maybe 10 minutes total and 5 of that was grating the bar of zote soap. Last time I used a different soap and it has a much stronger scent, so this time I opted for a more natural smell and the lavender is what gives you the scent. I am using Young Living Essential Oil in Lavender and if you are wanting to order some for yourself, send my mom an email and she will hook you up! This costs around $3 to make and it should last a while since you only use 1 tbsp per load of laundry.

Update: I am still loving this detergent. Works great!

DIY Essential Oil Lavender Laundry Soap 

1 bar soap (Zote, Fels-Naptha, or other laundry soap bar - you can find them near the laundry soaps)
1 Cup Borax
1 Cup Washing Soda
20 Drops lavender oil (I used Young Living)


Grate the bar of soap using a grater or the food processor grate blade to speed things up.

Put on the food processor blade and combine the bar soap shavings, washing soda and borax and blend until combined well.

Put into a large jar and drop in 20 drops of oil. Stir really well to combine.

Use 1 tbsp for each load of laundry.

Follow me on my facebook page for healthy recipes, fitness motivation and more!

Healthy Portuguese Kale Soup Recipe

Portuguese Kale Soup

Quickly make this healthy soup! You're whole family will love it :D It makes a great lunch or dinner; freezes well and is a good meal prepping recipe. This looks super fancy when you make it too, so it would be great for a pot-luck or family gathering. 
Tip: When preparing your leeks, you need to wash them well, slice them, put in a large bowl of water and swish around. Allow it to set for a minute to let any sand in the leeks settle to the bottom and then fish out the leeks with a slotted spoon (if you use a strainer you may get sand in your food). Leeks are so good and taste similar to onions, but have a deeper flavor. *See more photos below.

Yield: 6 servings
1 Tbsp olive oil
8 oz. turkey kielbasa sausage, slice in half and slice into bite size half medallions.
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 to 3 medium leeks, chopped, just white and light-green parts
1 bunch kale, stems removed and discarded, torn into smaller pieces
1 (15-oz.) can kidney beans, drained, rinsed
1 (14.5-oz.) can diced tomatoes, no added salt
7 cups chicken (or vegetable) stock or broth
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
pinch of paprika (optional, gives great flavor)
1 bay leaf
1. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat.
2. Add kielbasa; cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until browned.
3. Add garlic, leeks, and kale; cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until soft.
4. Add kidney beans, tomatoes, broth, and pepper (if desired). Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium; cook, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes.

181 Calories ~ 12 grams protein
21 Day Fix: 1 green, 1 red, 1/2 yellow, 1 blue/orange

Roasted Butternut Squash, Zucchini, & Onions for Meal Prepping

Easy Meal Prepping: Roasted Vegetables 

Today I Roasted some zucchini, onion, 2 potatoes, and butternut squash to make the week go smoother. I love having prepped veggies to grab on busy days. They were on there way to the veggie drawer graveyard, but I don't like wasting money, so in the oven they go! *Here I am to save the day!!! 💃Toss the vegetables in 1-2 tbsp melted coconut oil or olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and pepper and roast until done. 

You can add chipotle seasoning or Italian seasoning to give it a different flair.

Roast at 400* for 20-30 minutes; check halfway to see if you need to stir the mixture. You can put all the vegetables on one large cookie sheet. 

Beachbody Black Friday 2015 Sale Starts November 23rd at 12 pm PST

Beachbody 2015 Black Friday Sale starts November 23rd at Noon PST ~ Click here to see all the sales.

Every year Beachbody puts out some killer deals on a few workouts, supplements, apparel and more. There will be great discounts on supplements, workout equipment and fitness programs.

To see all the Holiday specials click here. 

Looking for a special deal on Shakeology and a fitness program? Check out these deals on the new dance workout, Cize, and the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme during the month of November. 

*Clients get free coaching, meal plan and daily support when ordering through my website. Make sure to message me if you order, so I can send you a meal plan and some freebies for my clients.

During November, Cize and the 21 Day Fix are discounted. 

You can get Cize with 30 days of Shakeology for only $140. -- plus enjoy $2 shipping!

The 21 Day Fix has also been reduced and is only $140 with Shakeology-- plus $2 shipping!

Plus, when you order from me, you'll be eligible to join my Holiday Accountability group kicking off on December 7th. Questions about which workout is the best fit for your needs?? Send me a message (jenniferwoodfitness@gmail.com) and I would love to set up a free phone consultation to see which is the best fit for your health and fitness goals.  

*Apply here for our Hot for the Holidays Online Accountability Group.

Send me a friend request on Facebook @ www.fb.com/jenniferwoodfitness 

Want an even bigger discount?? Sign up here for 25 % off your order? *If you enroll with a challenge pack bundle (Shakeology and workout) through this link, it will waive the $39 sign up fee.

Military and veterans can sign up for Beachbody Coaching for free and have their monthly fees waived. Contact me for details.

Sign up here for a free Team Beachbody account with me. 

Link to all Canada Beachbody Black Friday Holiday Specials 

Halloween Spider Web 7 Layer Taco Dip

Halloween Spider Web "7" Layer Taco Dip

This is such an easy platter to make for a party. Your guests will think you worked so hard *insert evil laugh here :D  This could also be made into a football field. Use a football platter for even more zing!


  • 1 can refried beans 
  • 1 small container of sour cream  (**reserve about 1/3 for the web)
  • 2 tbsp taco seasoning (or make your own because the packets have MSG -- see recipe below)
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • Mexican blend cheese
  • 1/2 to 2/3 container of guacamole - pre made so it does not turn brown
  • sliced black olives
  • 3 plastic spider rings or plastic spiders washed and dried.
  • The cool platter is from the Dollar Tree. 


Combine beans, 2/3 sour cream and 2 tbsp taco seasoning and spread on platter. Top with guacamole carefully so you do not mix the colors on top. If they are mixing, try freezing the beans covered for a few hours, then you can easily spread on the guac! Sprinkle cheese, tomato and olives around the edges. Pipe sour cream on top of guacamole using a small zip loc bag with a tiny hole, or a piping bag with a writing tip.

Taco Seasoning Ingredients
 (use 2 tbsp of this mix) - combine all in an old jar to use in chili or mexican dishes. It's great!
  • 2 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 Tbsp ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 teaspoon black pepper

Follow me on Facebook for more recipes, fitness motivation, healthy ideas, inspiration and a good laugh@ Jennifer Wood Fitness 

To make this healthier, mix in greek yogurt in place of sour cream and use fat free beans. 

Homemade Harvest Blend Trail Mix

Harvest Blend Trail Mix

1 Cup raw unsalted cashews
1 Cup raw almonds
1 cup pecans
1/2 cup cranberries
1/2 cup dried cherries (optional)
1 cup walnuts

Put in a storage container and shake. It's that easy :D

3 Day Refresh - What did I eat during the 3 day Cleanse?

Here are a few photos of the foods I enjoyed while doing the 3 day refresh. It's not too bad and you usually lose around 3-5 pounds and 3-5 inches in your waist. It is fantastic for dropping inches before vacation or a trip to visit family for the holidays. Gotta look good in those family photos, right! Lol :D

Contact me for more info and support with this program.