Menu Plan Monday 1/11 - 1/17

It has been a busy week already and I am behind on my menu planning. The Eat From the Pantry Challenge has had me at home more, so luckily I have had more time to organize my house. I am getting there slowly but surely. To see more menu plans or recipes head over to

Monday ~ Tomato Basil Pasta and Pesto Pasta
Making two types of pasta with Frozen pasta sauce, and frozen pesto sauce.

Tuesday ~ Tuna Casserole & Rolls
Using mini penne pasta and tuna from the pantry

Wednesday ~ Jack Daniels Chicken Sandwich & Oven Fries
Using frozen/marinated chicken, bacon, hamburger buns, pineapple (for the sauce)

Thursday ~ Venison Tenderloin Steaks, Scalloped Potatoes and frozen veggies

Friday ~ Black Beans and Spanish Rice (make double batch)
Using pre frozen black beans, rice, chicken broth and leftover sofrito (tomato, onion, garlic and bell pepper pureed)

Saturday ~ Pizza time!

Sunday ~ Ground Beef Taco's and leftover spanish rice
Using ground beef and leftover tortilla's

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