Cross Training to Get Better Results and Faster Weight Loss

Cross training can help build muscle faster and help you lose weight quicker due to the fact that muscle burns more calories per pound than fat does. Cardio is great, but you will see even better results when you combine a weight training routine such as P90X, P90X3, Body Beast, Chalean Extreme, Body Pump, or any weight training routine. I recommend changing up your at home workout program every 2-3 months to see maximum results and confuse the muscles, or you could do a hybrid workout combining 1-3 different workouts. Of coarse, you can create your own weight training routines, but many people have a difficult time keeping up with what muscles on what days, etc. I love being able to watch a video and be told exactly how, what and how many to do to get results. If you can afford a trainer and have time to drive to and from the gym, then I am all for getting a personal trainer, but most of us do not have the time or money to do that.

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