How to Increase Omega 3 Fats and Raise Your Good Cholesterol HDL Levels

Do you need to increase your Omega 3's? Try adding these to your diet to boost those heart and brain healthy oils! I like to add chia and flax seeds to my daily smoothie for an easy way to boost my Omega's. You can also add ground flax meal, chia seeds or chopped walnuts to yogurt. I love to make fresh berry yogurt parfaits - just add about 1/4 to 1/2 cup berries, 1/4 - 1/2 cup greek plain yogurt, a pinch of stevia or honey, and a tablespoon or two of ground flaxseed, and a few walnuts, pecans or almonds, chopped! It's so good.

 1. Chia seeds - powerhouse seed! And they keep you full longer.

 2. Hemp seeds or hemp oil (don't cook with the oil or you will loose the benefits)

 3. Walnuts - greatest way to increase your good Cholesterol HDL!

 4. Flaxseed - make sure to grind them or buy flax seed meal

 5. Edemame - you can find it in the freezer section - usually with natural organic foods

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