Headed to Nashville, Tennessee for the annual Beachbody conference, aka SUMMIT! Last year was so amazing and this year is going to be even better. I love that I get to live life and make these incredible friendships with people from all over. Women that I just adore! Last year it was in Vegas and we had just a few people there from our Team. This year we have almost 20 ladies and dudes attending from our Team. That's pretty awesome growth. On the agenda: workout with Shaun T, workout with Chalene Johnson doing some Turbo --that's always fun! a night out in Nashville with a huge part of our big momma bear team and the super workout with 25 thousand people on broadway street in downtown, Nashville. That is going to be insane. I'm so glad our hotel is right across the street because with that many people I might have a breakdown. Can you say stress? I've learned I don't handle too much stress, so I would rather pay extra to have the convenience and not be so stressed out. I am really excited about this trip and so thankful to be able to go. Thankful for a husband that is so supportive and holds down the home front, so I can follow my dreams and make us some money!
Here are some photos from last years 2014 Coach Summit in Vegas.
Night on the town with these lovely ladies!
Fierce and Fiery Trio!
The Original Team Push Revolution 5 Beachbody Coaches!
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